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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Bubble Blast with your Besties...

    Tired of yelling? "Cant beat em'...join them" is not just a cliche. I use this saying in my daily life and to tell you the truth Ive had more fun in the past 8 years since Ive been having children compared to my previous life. I found myself yelling about things on a constant basis.."Its raining outside...go play in your room" or "Dont be swimming in that tub and there better not be ANY water on the floor" To soon after here gleeful shrieks of joy followed by what maybe a cannonball  off the side of the tub.I was running myself ragged when it all of a sudden dawned on me what that saying really meant. Sometimes you have to pick your battles.So, I decided what if they let the water overflow or put a little too much bubble bath...have fun with it! I threw in a jacuzzi mat with an air compressor and Wha-La! have the perfect equation for tremendous and memorable fun. Not mentioning a great backdrop for photos with your Besties.

My 4 Mini Divas Faith,Chastity,Serenity and Miracle having fun on

"Bubble Day". son Jayden absolutely LOVED the bubbles...

Its the little moments in a childs life that makes a world of difference. Maybe once a week plan to say yes to things you normally wouldnt and see if you  start seeking out these little moments more and  more.

Making Homemade jump ropes with the neighborhood...

Dont eat with your mouthful! (Funny clip!**MUST SEE**)

My 5 year old Faith Divinee's explanation of why you shouldn't eat with your mouthful...had to share.