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Thursday, May 29, 2014


Are you really "parenting" your child(ren)? Its been on my mind all week how alot of these guys have children with a woman,disregard all their responsibilities as a parent,then go tell sob stories to the next woman about how they "do for" "love" "spend time with"  their children or claim their children "know" them or vice versa. Some men get this misconception that as long as child support  is being withdrawn from a check (only because the government had to intercept the funds before you could spend it and make empty promises to "give it when you get it"as "taking care of" their children as long as they can throw in a hour or two visit every 3 to 6 months. If you were to be honest with yourself HOW WELL DO YOU REALLY KNOW YOUR KIDS? Do you REALLY raise your kids as much as you portray to other people? Could you be truthful to yourself to consider you may REALLY BE a deadbeat?
Raising a child is a long time commitment. It's 18+ years of knowing exactly where your kids are, thinking about their best interests all the time, making decisions with their needs ahead of your own. Raising also means funding and paying for kids. It means sometimes going without so they can have something they want or need. Having a relationship with your child is the MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF BEING A PARENT! Ask yourself these questions... whats your childs favorite color,food,cartoon,hobby? Who is your childs heros? What does your child fear the most? Do you stimulate your childs imagination?What does your child want to be when they grow up? Whats your childs beliefs about God or their religion?Have you ever taken your child to any doctors,dentists appointments by yourself? Who are your childrens teachers or friends? Have you ever taken off work or made time to go to ANY school functions with your children? Have you ever thrown your child a birthday party without your babys mother involvement? How many nights have you gone without sleep taking care of your sick child? How many nights have you slept in an emergency room chair? Do you buy things and put them to the side for your child for when they might come visit?  Do you date ANY chick or do you consider if you could picture the woman around your kids first before you make it official? What morals and values have you taught your children about relationships and women based on how you treat their mother? Do you blame your childrens mother for the amount of time or lack of in which you spend/spent with your child and can you honestly say youve done EVERYTHING you could to see your children? Do you honestly have enough TIME to spend with your child? If you were to trade places with your childs mother could you HONESTLY say that you could do what she does on a daily for/with your child with the same resources and minimal support? How much time do you allow to pass before you see or even inquire about your children? Whats your childs favorite memory of you? Whats your childs LAST memory of you? NOW AFTER ASKING YOURSELF ALL THESE QUESTIONS ASK YOURSELF HOW REPLACEABLE YOU ARE AS A PARENT AND HAVE YOU ALLOWED YOURSELF TO BECOME A DEADBEAT? You can say what you will about your childs mother but could you live in her shoes?

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Mommy Extreme Makeover
Just because you're a mother doesn't mean you have to look like one .People seem to get the misconception that mothers with multiples are supposed to conform to "soccer mom "clothing...   loosely fitting sweat pants,an oversized tshirt with some ridiculous mommy quote,a burp cloth on one shoulder  ,diaper bag draped over the other with a fanny pack around your waist! Lol. With this image in mind and a bowl of hair bleach i was determined to get out of the "norm". I feel that all mothers should take their womanhood back and get back to sexy.Stand out even if its just changing something in your daily routine,like your makeup ...go try that smokey eye eyeshadow style youve been eyeing for months,flip your ponytail to the other side. Keep a pair of heels in your car(with some sandals just in case).Wear lip gloss just because its Tuesday.Wear your little black dress thats been hiding in your closet. You dont need a reason...just do it and see if you dont feel 100% better about yourself FOR YOURSELF.Stay Happy.Stay Diva  .